Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The hardest thing you will ever do. And it’s not setting goals!

How are your follow through and commitment?

Do you have a hard time following through or being consistent in what you do? 

I’m not just talking about goals but day to day things like being excited about showing up to something that you thought was a good idea at the time. 

Basically any commitment you made to someone (that includes yourself) when you said “YES, I will _________!

I have to be honest in my personal and in my business life these two have been one of the hardest actions for me to take. Why? Because plain and simple: I don’t feel like it or something better came up.
So how do you deal with being consistent and following through on something you committed to?
Here are 4 things to think about that have really helped me:

  Before you commit, make sure it’s something you want to commit to. How many times have you said “yes” when you were really thinking “No”. If no is difficult then say “Let me think about it” and get back to them when you have had time to think.

Get excited again! Why did you say yes in the first place? Was it something that you knew would be exciting or bring something different to your lifestyle? Remind yourself why you were excited to do it in the first place and keep the momentum going.

  Feel the Fear and do it anyway. Some commitments are scary and when we stop to really think about it, it’s not something we really want to do. So ask yourself: Will this help me grow? Will it stretch me and take me to a place where I want to be in my life? If the answer is “yes” Feel the fear and do it anyway! Sometimes commitments to others and especially yourself can be uncomfortable but being uncomfortable brings a huge amount of growth.
 Think of how you will feel afterward. You thought about it and committed, now think about the benefits of it when you’ done. Maybe it’s to reconnect with a friend or get a good workout in, whatever it may be think of the benefits or the incentives!
Get clear on what needs to be done & schedule it. I use to be the type of person that said “Yes” to everything even before looking at my schedule. I felt that saying no meant I was letting that person down. What I didn’t realize was that I becoming someone they couldn’t depend on when I had to call to cancel. I also realized that I was causing a lot more stress than I needed in my life.  Whether it’s a commitment to yourself or to someone else make sure you have time, are clear on your priorities and set a reminder in your schedule.

Do you have a trick or tip to being consistent and follow through? 
I would love to hear about it? Just leave me a comment. I read every one of them!

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