Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How I found love for my in-box again!

You’ve got mail, about 10 of them Ugh! I dreaded looking at my inbox.  

I did not love my in-box!

I was tired of the tons of emails I received every day.

There were so many I wanted to read, but so little time, and how did some of them get in my in-box anyway? 

I use to do one of two things: Delete everything in desperation just to temporarily feel a bit of peace and declutter or click close………until “ding You’ve got another email!

Ugh! Frustration again!

We all do it, we sign up to all of these newsletters, giveaways, deals  and we have the best of intentions to read or use each and every one of them, but then there is that tiny problem of “When do we have the time”? and my time is valuable!

Well I had enough it was time to clean things up for good 
(not just do the quick fix of hitting the delete button either)

I wanted to be excited about getting e-mails again! 

You know one's I was excited about getting and reading!

So here are two simple things I did to feel love for my in-box again.

 I knew that I didn’t have the time to open up each and every e-mail I had already saved for later, so I
  •           Deleted the ones I knew I wouldn’t ever really read and had been sitting in my in-box for a about a week (nice thought but no real intention)

  •         I also decided that every time I received a new e-mail that I REALLY wasn’t interested in or would never get around to reading, I would open it up, go to the very bottom and hit the unsubscribe link.  meaning I would never get e-mails from them again that would clutter my in-box.

After two weeks, my in-box became less cluttered and after a month I felt tranquility!

 I am now actually excited and look forward to what comes into my  in-box.

So what does this have anything to do with food you ask?

Simplifying your life in even the smallest way, makes it less stressful, and when there is less stress there is less room to turn to food as a way of comfort.

So now it’s your turn to try these 2 easy steps to start feeling  love for your in-box again and enjoy a bit of tranquility! It's the little things that count.

Until next time!

Much Gratitude, Love and Strength to you, 
See what I'm up to at: www.nancyalbright.com

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