Monday, February 23, 2015

Give me Gobs of Candy Please!

Hello Mama,

So it's that cleansing time of the month for me and can I just tell you that I am craving everything and anything that is sugar. It's not the good kind of sugar either, you know, skittles,Twix, Taffy etc) 
I feel like I just want to sit down and inhale bags of it! I also know that afterward I would feel terrible and really guilty.

So how do I contain myself from not eating entire bags of these sugary treats?

I am not going to lie and say it's easy but I do I have 3 Tips that I find help me get thru these next 7 days without the guilt or the added pounds:

1. DON'T BUY IT! This is the hardest one for me to do. But talk yourself out of buying the processed sugar. Not only will you save yourself on feeling crappy with those high and low moods we all know and love, but when you don't buy it, it's not around the house for you to eat and it makes life a little easier.

2.Eat more Protein! or take an extra dose of iron. When your body is loosing iron it's needs to be replenished, so you don't feel so tired. I also find that for me, if I do eat or take a bit more iron, the cramps are not as bad either.

3. DO BUY IT, Your favorite Fruit or Healthy snack! When you are at the grocery store, buy your very favorite fruit, sit down and savor it one bite at a time. Sometimes for me protein just doesn't cut it, I need something sweet to savor, so I buy my favorite Sweet Treat "Pineapple". You can add your favorite fruit to plain yogurt(protein) and drizzle it with raw honey. It may just hit the spot.

I also wanted to add an extra Tip that really helps me with the dreaded cramps:

Stock up on Chamomile and Nettle Tea. When you feel those cramps begin, make yourself a cup of both of these teas together and add a bit of raw honey. Take a moment to sit down, take a few deep breathes of gratitude for your body and the cleansing it's doing and enjoy your tea. It alleviates the pain almost immediately.

So to all of my mamas who share this painful time of month, remember our bodies are cleansing out what it no longer needs and so we are given a chance for new beginnings. 

Sending you all of my love, strength and gratitude, 

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