Thursday, March 26, 2015

How to Have a Great Day….. Every Day!

Did you know that you can even set an intention to have a great day?

Rather than diving into your morning and hoping you’ll achieve your day’s big goal, why not take a moment and set yourself up for success?

Try this “Setting an Intention to Succeed” exercise used by professional athletes, speakers, politicians, and performers:

Here's what to do:

  • Upon waking, lie in bed and think about what you have planned for your day (or, find a quiet spot to sit and contemplate). How is it that you want to feel?

  • Think about your desired outcome. Take a deep breath and visualize yourself feeling a certain way or succeeding throughout the day.

  • Replay your success several times in your mind. How does that feel for you?

  • Next, add other senses, including sounds, smells, and touch. Envision it!

  • Lastly, replay the scene again, adding emotions. Feel your elation or your pride at finally finishing a project or getting that hour of movement in.

You can perform Setting an Intention to Succeed throughout the day as you desire it. 

So give it a try one day this week and let me know how your day turns out!

It works.

Until next time,

Sending you love, joy and gratitude, Nancy

Monday, March 16, 2015

Looking beyond their beauty

I was sitting at the gym doing sit ups, a girl walks in: young, lean and beautiful. 

I notice everything about her in a moment of insecurity, that I feel I am not.

Yes, I admit it, I was insecure for that moment and so I did what most would have usuaally done when they feel insecurity:  I envyed and I judged her.

The gremlins start whispering in my ear. They are hoping I will indulge in this thought, which will take me to a place of self-pity, ego and where there is no joy!

I catch myself, Wait! I think for a moment STOP! 

Why am I comparing myself to this young woman who is here working just as hard as I am to feel good about herself???

Why do I feel envy and why am I judging her, I know nothing about her, her struggles or her journey.

My energy shifts to a better place as I silence the gremlins; I start to feel gratitude towards her for being there and sweating just as much as I am.

Then for a minute I start to reminisce, I go back to being 25, to a time when someone envied and judged me for being “fit”.  

They must have assumed that it came easy for me or that I was born lucky.  

The fact was that I worked really really hard and ate a certain way to be and feel the way I looked. 

It made me sad and angry to know that I was being judged by someone who knew so little about me and my journey.

I took a deep breather, came back and gathered my thoughts.

As she sat next me, I just smiled at her lovingly, no longer feeling the way I did when she walked into the room. I felt peace and felt good about being me.

Then I asked myself, why is it that we as women don’t unite and protect each other?

Why is it that sometimes we can’t see beyond what is in front of us and we feel the need to judge, envy or sometimes hate another woman to feel better about our own insecurities?

I ask you, Let’s start a change for the better in each one of us!

Today I challenge you that this week for just 3 days you stop the judgements and the envy when you see a woman that makes you feel totally inadequate.

Instead of mumbling under your breathe of how easy she has it or how perfect she is, send her gratitude and joy for journey she is on.

Maybe even go as far as giving her a compliment on something that you find insecure about yourself?

Because chances are, she is just as insecure about who she is, as you are and you never know when you can change someone's day for the better!

Until next time, 

Sending you love, joy and gratitude!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Self-forgiveness on the elliptical!

Have you ever known you weren’t meant to be average, but never had that AHA moment

Mine finally came at 40!

I was on the elliptical trying to figure out who it was that I wanted to inspire as a health and lifestyle coach.  For some reason great ideas came to me when I was moving.

I so badly wanted to find my niche, my tribe, the people I was meant to help change, but what and who was it?

Suddenly this one thought filled my mind entirely.

A thought that hit me like a brick that came out of nowhere 
(or maybe it was the perfect timing).

This thought wasn’t about my niche or my tribe but about me, and my past!

It was right then and there that the realization of me never before  forgiving myself for being Bulimic and depressed for so many years, consumed my head!

I realized that the shame and guilt of what I had done was still with me and unknowingly affected me every day. 

It now made sense why I felt stuck in so many ways.

But why now? Why had it taken this long?

You can imagine what happened next:  I broke down into tears (still on the elliptical) and cried until I could cry no more.

After my heart had its say,  I went outside for a breath of fresh air.

I sat down and thanked my body for so many years of protecting the pain I had held onto since my mother’s death at 16, my divorce at 23 and the dread of turning 36 (my mom’s age when she passed away and the age that my grandmother passed away too)

I held my body tight, and showed gratitude to it for taking me this far and truly forgave myself and the damage I had done to my body for so many years.

I held my shame, my guilt, my eating disorder and my depression in my hands like a circle of energy.

I showed it my love and thanked it for all it had done, for serving its purpose, one that I no longer needed and then I let it go and watched it disappear into the sky.

 For the first time in my life I felt free. I felt a huge weight lifted, one I didn’t know I had carried with me for so many years.

And through all of this. it was now crystal clear who my tribe would be and who I was meant to help and inspire.

It would be other women like me, who struggle day in and day out with eating disorders and emotional eating  or maybe I should say who struggle with needing to find the way to self-love and self- forgiveness.

Because when I looked back through to all of those years and really thought about it, it was never really about the food.

So next time you catch yourself going to food for comfort, ask yourself without judgements or guilt: What is it that I am really needing in this moment, and what can I do to fill the void that food can never fulfill? Maybe it's forgiveness or love!

Until next time!

My love, courage and strength to you, 

See what I am up to at:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How I found love for my in-box again!

You’ve got mail, about 10 of them Ugh! I dreaded looking at my inbox.  

I did not love my in-box!

I was tired of the tons of emails I received every day.

There were so many I wanted to read, but so little time, and how did some of them get in my in-box anyway? 

I use to do one of two things: Delete everything in desperation just to temporarily feel a bit of peace and declutter or click close………until “ding You’ve got another email!

Ugh! Frustration again!

We all do it, we sign up to all of these newsletters, giveaways, deals  and we have the best of intentions to read or use each and every one of them, but then there is that tiny problem of “When do we have the time”? and my time is valuable!

Well I had enough it was time to clean things up for good 
(not just do the quick fix of hitting the delete button either)

I wanted to be excited about getting e-mails again! 

You know one's I was excited about getting and reading!

So here are two simple things I did to feel love for my in-box again.

 I knew that I didn’t have the time to open up each and every e-mail I had already saved for later, so I
  •           Deleted the ones I knew I wouldn’t ever really read and had been sitting in my in-box for a about a week (nice thought but no real intention)

  •         I also decided that every time I received a new e-mail that I REALLY wasn’t interested in or would never get around to reading, I would open it up, go to the very bottom and hit the unsubscribe link.  meaning I would never get e-mails from them again that would clutter my in-box.

After two weeks, my in-box became less cluttered and after a month I felt tranquility!

 I am now actually excited and look forward to what comes into my  in-box.

So what does this have anything to do with food you ask?

Simplifying your life in even the smallest way, makes it less stressful, and when there is less stress there is less room to turn to food as a way of comfort.

So now it’s your turn to try these 2 easy steps to start feeling  love for your in-box again and enjoy a bit of tranquility! It's the little things that count.

Until next time!

Much Gratitude, Love and Strength to you, 
See what I'm up to at: